Check-In Feedback

Key Metrics:


Current Morale: 3.5/5

This is a 16.67% increase since last month.

Morale Benchmark: 3.29/5

This has not changed since last month.

Check-In Distribution:

Total check-ins: 24

Method of check-in:

95.8% via Email

4.2% via App

Morale Breakdown:

45.8% (11 respondents) feel "Energized" (5/5)

41.7% (10 respondents) feel "Relaxed" (4/5)

8.3% (2 respondents) feel "Indifferent" (3/5)

4.2% (1 respondent) feel "Anxious" (1/5)


Top Identified Risks:

Recognition: 9 reports

Home Life: 9 reports

Rest: 6 reports

Overall number of risks identified: 24

Risks categories include Home Life, Rest, Recognition, Team Work, Self-Care, Energy, Connection, Process, Purpose, Fun, Boundaries, and Priorities.

Emerging Risks:

Home Life: 14.2% increase, the highest emerging risk

Team Work: 10.23% increase

Energy: 7.77% increase


Morale Improvement: There has been a significant improvement in employee morale over the last month, with a 16.67% increase, bringing the current morale rating to 3.5/5.

Risk Factors: The key areas of concern identified are Recognition, Home Life, and Rest, which collectively represent the majority of reported issues.

Emerging Risks: Home Life is the most significant emerging risk, followed by issues related to Team Work and Energy, suggesting potential areas for intervention to maintain or further improve morale.

Check-In Methods: The vast majority of employees prefer checking in via the App compared to Email, indicating the effectiveness or preference for this method of engagement.


Address Top Risks:

Recognition: Implement strategies to acknowledge and reward employee achievements.

Home Life: Offer support or resources for work-life balance.

Rest: Encourage practices that promote adequate rest and recuperation.

Monitor Emerging Risks:

Pay attention to the increasing concerns in Home Life, Team Work, and Energy, and develop targeted initiatives to mitigate these issues.

Enhance Engagement:

Since most check-ins are via the App, ensure the app remains user-friendly and accessible. Consider promoting the Email option to those who might prefer it.

Continued Assessment:

Maintain regular check-ins and morale assessments to monitor progress and adapt strategies as necessary.